Saturday, August 20, 2011


I've decided to name this buck Stubbs with his stubby little G4s, he's a nice 140 class 5x5..

Velvet Bucks

Well, here's a few neat shots of a cool velvet buck.. Pretty 5x5 with a little extra..

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Too COOL..

Here's a cool shot of just a doe, but the big moth flying through the frame is pretty neat what roams around in the blanket of darkness..

Another New Year...!!

Well, so pumped to have the cams out for a new season.. Great to see what made it thru our harsh winter, what new up & comers I have and it there are any "worthy" bucks around.. Here's a pretty 5x5 with great brows that should be pretty sweet...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

New Buck named G-WALLY..!!

Here's a cool new buck I have comin' in on a regular basis, I've appropiately nick-named him G-Wally, cause his nasty G2 has a Walleye type fin of points comin' off it..! Super cool, lets hope he makes er' for a couple more yrs.. He'll be a STUD.

He's pretty cool now with his 5x4 typical frame, good brows and those extra points.! I'm thinkin' Ol' G-Wally will be one to WATCH.!!

2011 Season STARTS NOW..!!

Well the 2011 Season is upon us, I've been itchin' BAD to get out and check some of the cams I've had out in the field for the past few weeks.. I ended up checking a couple last night and got some pics of this pretty little 4x4.!

He's a pretty 4x4, love the velvet, looks like he has a little junk on the bases, but nothin to get too excited about..