Yikes what a frame on this legendary buck..! He definetely wants to check things out.. He's a sly ol' cat.. I just love the extras and all the character.. This last pic shows off just how BLADED his left G3 is..! OMG..!
Wow, this is a GIANT performing the classic shoulder check.. Check out the frame and character Mister is sporting.. Drop-Tine loves this buck.. This buck is one-of-a-kind.. Such a unique buck.. Unreal.. Mister looks bigger and better than ever this Fall.. Will he escape another season unscathed ?
I nick-named this buck KOBE, cause I truly believe he is going to be my next super star..! He's a goof ball, he carried this branch around on his head for the better part of one whole day.! Check out the point growing between his G1 and G2 on his left antler, it looks like the start of the same point on his right too. This buck is gonna be a STAR..!
Check out the HEAVY bases and wicked width on this old timer.. Great beam length and mahoganhy antlers.. Can you say, Big Buck.!!? Love his mass and spread, he would give plenty of guys instant buck fever as he broke across a stubble field..! This is one unreal whitey that has likely turned his fair share of hunters inside-out..!
Zeke is a weirdo.. Zeke the FREAK..! This buck is one weird character.. What a FREAK.. Are we being invaded by alien whitetails from another planet..? This buck is indeed ZEKE the FREAK..!
This buck is a traveler, I haven't seen a sign of him for weeks.! What a pretty young buck with his one curly brow.. I really think this is another buck that with a little more age will be a contender.!
Can you believe how tight those beams curl in together..? That right brow of his is incredible..! This buck Tighty is one cool character.. Keep your eye on this buck..!
Happy Halloween as Nifty poses in plenty of shooting light, just like he knows I won't shoot him this year..! I just absolutely love his palmation and sheer mass.. His sticker off the G-2 just gives me goosebumps..!
Well, its pretty obvious where this buck gets his genes, Mr.Mule, hence the nickname MJ, Mulie Jr..!! Gonna be another good buck, with Mister's genes, it's a no-brainer.. Hard not to notice the resemblances.!!